Helping you make a bigger impact

Strategic Faith Based and Community Action

We leverage the power of religious, government and secular institutions to bring justice and equity in global settings. Leading actions of diverse organizations and communities toward bipartisan support of development, health, religious freedom, and humanitarian work in the United States and worldwide.

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A few project we have worked on:

  • Helped create Global Development Alliances with U.S.A.I.D. totalling $10 million in matched funds

  • Initiated meeting with 300 African religious leaders and Religions for Peace

  • Organized meetings between the U.S. Commission on Intl. Religious Freedom with Zumi refugees and religious leaders

Specializing in convening the UNUSUAL suspects, groups, and alliances.

Our Clients

Here’s What Our Clients Are Saying

“Mark has brought the Zomi community onto the international stage through advocacy work in DC and around the world. His knowledge, international experience and humility will get the job done!”

—Francis Khampi, chair of the Refugee Program at Zomi Innkuan USA

“Mark is the rare combination of being both a high – level strategic thinker and a doer. He has the unique ability to bring big ideas from concept to fruition through coalition building, networking, and determination.”

—Jeremy Haldeman, Head of Global Partnerships and Government Affairs, Alight